Mobile Service > IAP > Error Codes

[Notice] A new IAP SDK that supports subscription has been released as NHN Cloud SDK. No new features will be developed for the existing IAP SDK.

Client API Errors

Error Code Type Description
100 NETWORK_TIMEOUT Network error
101 AUTHORIZATION_ERROR Platform authorization error
102 UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE Unsupported device
103 UNSUPPORTED_MARKET Unsupported market
104 USER_CANCEL Cancelled by the user during the payment process
105 IAP_INITIALIZED_ERROR Invalid IAP initialization. Check the initialization information.
106 IAP_SERVER_UNKNOWN_ERROR HTTP status is not IAP Server HTTP Response 20x
107 IAP_RESPONSE_ON_FAILED IAP API response failure
108 INAPP_INITIALIZED_ERROR Store payments library initialization error
109 INAPP_PURCHASE_ERROR Store payment error - when requesting a purchase
110 INAPP_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ERROR Store payment error - when verifying signature
111 INAPP_CONSUME_ERROR Store payment error - when payment history is consumed
112 INAPP_VERIFY_CONSUME_ERROR Store payment verification error - when verifying receipt
117 IAP_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR This error may occur when a new request comes in while the IAP API is still in progress. The client can ignore the error or make a request again as needed.
118 FORCED_TERMINATION_ERROR The activity has been forcibly terminated
119 INAPP_PURCHASE_ERROR_ALREADY_PURCHASED_AT_OTHER_ACCOUNT The same item has already been purchased with another account and issued
120 INAPP_DEVELOPER_ERROR An error that might occur during the development process, where required information is missing or incorrect arguments are used during the payment flow
201 INAPP_ONESTORE_NEED_UPDATE OneStore app needs to be updated
202 INAPP_ONESTORE_NEED_LOGIN OneStore app login required

Server API Errors

Error Code Type Description
1100 INVALID_PARAMETERS Invalid parameters
2111 HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT Content-Type error – The Content-Type is not application/json for HTTP request
2112 HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORT HTTP Method error – A request was made with an unsupported HTTP method
5000 CONSUME_FAILED Failed to consume
5018 ALREADY_CONSUMED A payments has already been consumed

Web Console Errors

Error Code Type Description
1100 INVALID_PARAMETERS Invalid parameters
5003 INVALID_AUTHENTICATED Store authentication error
5013 MARKET_GOOGLE_INVALID_REQUEST Google integration information error


Error Code Description
1100 Invalid parameters
2111, 2112 When making a request to the IAP Server, check the Content-type and HTTP Method.
5003, 5013 Check that the store integration information has been issued in the following steps.
5000 - Check if PurchaseToken is invalid.
- Check whether the payment through the client was processed properly in advance.